Gaia Transforms VOD Delivery With Dhub

The media team from Gaia sit down with Bryson Jones from North Shore Automation discuss the streaming platform's media management infrastructure from acquisition to VOD and OTT delivery. Solutions include CatDV, Dhub, and Akomi.

This session from the Rocky Mountain AVX Expo in Denver CO covers how media enters a modern streaming platform's storage, DAM/MAM, and Archive. Later in the session, the panel covers the advancements in speed, efficiency, and cost savings of delivering to OTT and VOD in house with NSA's Dhub as opposed to using external services.

Gaia manages over 8,000 feature films and TV episodes in a custom hybrid cloud end to end North Shore solution media management & distribution solution.

North Shore Automation provides software applications, development services, consulting, and training to over 240 of the world's leading content producers and owners.


Akomi V3 Press Release


New NAB, New Site